Son Eklenen İlanlar
0) { $record_per_page = GetName("select * from t_count_page","DisplayCount"); $page_count = ceil($record_count/$record_per_page); } $sql = "select t1.*, ".GetCurrency($_SESSION['LangCurrency'])." t2.Name as estate_type, t3.Name as estate_status, t4.Name as estate_township, t6.Currency as estate_rent_currency, t7.Images as estate_images, t8.Name as estate_city from t_advert t1 inner join t_properties t2 on t2.PageType='EstateType' inner join t_properties t3 on t3.PageType='EstateStatus' inner join t_properties t4 on t4.PageType='TownShip' inner join t_exchange t6 on t6.Currency=t1.RentCurrency inner join t_advert_images t7 on t7.ParentID=t1.ID inner join t_properties t8 on t8.PageType='City' where t2.ItemID = t1.EstateType and t2.PageLang='".$_SESSION['Lang']."' and t3.ItemID = t1.EstateStatus and t3.PageLang='".$_SESSION['Lang']."' and t4.ID = t1.TownShipID and t6.Currency = t1.RentCurrency and t7.ParentID = t1.ID and t7.Seq = (select min(Seq) from t_advert_images where Visible='1' and ParentID=t1.ID group by Seq LIMIT 0,1) and t8.ID = t1.CityID and t1.Visible='1' and t1.DisplayAdvert='1' order by ListPrice limit ".($_GET['page_no']*$record_per_page).",".$record_per_page; $qrDisplay = mysql_query($sql); while($rsDisplay = mysql_fetch_array($qrDisplay)) { ?> \n"; } $x++; $z++; } ?>
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Emlak Arama